Affect Regulation Theory: A Clinical Model
Presented by Daniel Hill PhD
This course consists of pre-recorded 12 lectures that provide an in-depth understanding of affect regulation theory’s clinical model.
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12 hours of online training in English
Dates: participants can take the course during the days and times they prefer Location: Virtual Campus Access: You will have access to the material for 4 months from your course registration date. CE for American Psychologists, Psychoanalysts, Social workers, Counsellors, This course is co-sponsored by R. Cassidy Seminars, P.O. Box 14473, Santa Rosa, CA 95402 The content of this training has been certified by the CPD Certification Service as conforming to continuing professional development principles. Click here to see the certificate

Trainer: Daniel Hill
Doctor in psychology, psychoanalyst, teacher and prominent defender of the affect regulation model
About this course
This course consists of 12 lectures that provide an in-depth understanding of affect regulation theory’s clinical model. These lectures have been pre-recorded, subtitled and transcribed and translated also for a Spanish Language Version and an Italian Language Version. This course examines our two systems for regulating affect: a primary, early developing system in which the processes are unconscious and automatic and a secondary, later developing one in which the processes are conscious and deliberate. Both systems develop in the attachment relationship. Secure attachment results in the optimal capacity to regulate affect. Insecure attachment, the result of early relational trauma, results in deficits in regulatory capacities. Such deficits result in chronic dissociation at low levels of stress, pervasive shame and personality disorders. Treatment of the capacity to regulate affect occurs in the implicit therapeutic relationship mediated by non-verbal expressions of affect. This program requires that you read ahead of each lecture the book by Daniel Hill.
Learning goals:
This course will provide an in-depth exploration of affect regulation theory with a focus on the primary affect regulating system. At the end of this course the students will be able to:
- Formulate an in-depth understanding of affect regulation theory.
- Define affect
- Name three ways to regulate affect in therapy practice.
- Assess the affect regulating capacities of their patients
- Explain the secure attachment relationship as mediator for fostering a robust capacity to regulate affects.
- Classify their patients' developmental histories
- Distinguish favorable from detrimental developmental situations.
- Inspect how deficits in the capacity to regulate affect develop out of the insecure attachment relationships.
- Formulate strategies to help their patients to ameliorate with the shame experienced due to insecure attachment.
- Identify the ways in which deficits in affect regulation develop into personality disorders and other psychiatric disorders.
- Diagnose from the Affect Regulation perspective
- Design affect-regulation-based treatments
- Identify the value of therapeutic relationship as a catalyst for affective regulation for individuals in psychotherapeutic treatment.
Recorded sessions
12 hours of training, presented in our VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENT.
CPD (Continued Professional Development Units) available (Canada, UK, NZ, AUS and South Africa).
Downloadable files
Downloadable PDF's of the PowerPoint Presentations and Research Articles
About Daniel Hill, Affect Regulation Theory
“Understanding affect is central to human psychology, and from the start, Freud was concerned with the vicissitude of how emotions connected to ideas and to their transformations into symptoms and psychopathology. And yet psychoanalysis has been slow to develop a comprehensive theory of affects. Daniel Hill is a master teacher, and in Affect Regulation Theory, he demonstrates how affects, and their regulation and dysregulation, are central to our sense of agency, authenticity, and interpersonal relations. He grounds his understanding in psychoanalysis, attachment theory, and neurobiology and illuminates the clinical relevance of relational trauma, dissociation, and self-states, thus integrating a comprehensive theory of mind, development, psychopathology and psychotherapy. This book will be essential reading for graduate students and clinicians.”
“With Affect Regulation Theory, Daniel Hill makes an invaluable contribution to the growing field of psychotherapy that is reflective of a psychobiological perspective. The book is well written, well researched, and comprehensive. For any therapist seeking to broaden his or her theoretical knowledge base, with the ultimate goal of incorporating that information into clinical practice, I recommend reading this book first and foremost”
“Daniel Hill has written a beautiful, user-friendly translation and elaboration of the theories of Allan Schore, Daniel Siegel, and Peter Fonagy. Illustrating with clinical vignettes, Hill integrates affect regulation, early attachment trauma, and theories of neurobiology. This is an excellent book for the working clinician.”
“Affect regulation theory is the surprising meeting ground of neurobiology, developmental psychology, and psychoanalysis. In this important book, Daniel Hill captures its relevance to each of these realms. Wonderfully comprehensive and engagingly written, this book will be a boon to students. It will also captivate those of us whose education preceded these exciting developments by deeply enhancing our understanding of human emotions.”
“Daniel Hill’s Affect Regulation Theory is a superb synthesis of cutting-edge developments in attachment theory and research, mother-infant research, research on mentalization, affect regulation theory, neurobiology and psychoanalytic theory. Clinically astute and gracefully written, it will be of great interest to clinicians coming from a wide range of theoretical orientations.”
“An outstanding contribution, this accessible volume offers fresh and compelling perspectives on dissociation, internal working models, trauma, attachment, pathogenesis and more, all through the lens of affect regulation. Drawing on the work of Allan Schore, the author’s emphasis on the role of the implicit self and brilliant integration of neuroscience and theory with clinical practice will hold your interest page after page. Affect Regulation Theory is sure to spark new ways of thinking about your patients and their problems, challenge how you view your role as clinician, and quite possibly change the way you practice therapy. Don’t miss it!”
Program and learning objectives for each section
There are four sections each comprised of three lectures and assigned readings. Click on the different modules to see the details
Theory of Bodymind In this section of the course we look at how regulation theory employs a trauma model of psychopathology (in this case early attachment trauma ) for its understanding of the aetiology of deficits in the capacity to regulate affect. We then look at how such deficits lead to chronic dissociation, pervasive dissociated shame, character disorders and vulnerability to discrete psychiatric disorders. Session 1: Affect and Its Regulation (read: Hill, Introduction and Ch.1) Session 2: Self-states: Regulated-integrated vs Dysregulated-dissociated (Affect is at the core of self-states) (read ahead: Hill, Ch.2) Session 3: The Neurobiology of Self-States: The Primary Affect Regulating System and the Right Brain (read: Hill, Chapter 3 and 4) Learning goals: Students will be able to:
- Study the affect regulation theory’s approach to mind as a subsystem of the organism (Brain-Mind-Body).
- Define Affect
- Inspect affect regulation processes
- Appraise the nature Self-states as states of bodymind that can be either regulated and integrated or dysregulated and dissociated.
- Analyze the neurobiology of self-states.
Both mentalization theory (Fonagy and his collaborators) and regulation theory (Schore) posit that the capacity to regulate affect develops in the attachment relationship. In this section we first look at classical attachment theory and it’s extension into mentalization theory. We then take up Schore’s modern attachment theory to look at how the primary affect regulating system develops. Session 4: Classical Attachment Theory (read ahead: Hill, Ch. 5) Session 5: The Mentalization of Affect: The Secondary Affect Regulating System (read: Hill,Ch. 6) Session 6: Modern Attachment Theory: The Development of the Primary Affect Regulating System (read: Hill,Ch.7). Learning goals: Students will be able to:
- Describe the two affect regulating systems.
- Explain the development of the primary and secondary affect regulating systems.
- Identify the developmental milestones of human developmental neurobiology present for Affective Regulation functions.
- Distinguish the relevance of affective states for early attachment relationships.
- Differentiate Bowlby’s Classical Attachment Theory from Allan Schore’s Modern Attachment Theory.
In this section of the course we look at how regulation theory employs a trauma model of psychopathology (in this case early attachment trauma) for its understanding of the aetiology of deficits in the capacity to regulate affect. We then look at how such deficits lead to chronic dissociation, pervasive dissociated shame, character disorders and vulnerability to discrete psychiatric disorders. Session 7: Relational Trauma and Insecure Attachment (read ahead: Hill, Ch.8) Session 8: The Developmental Origins of Chronic Dissociation (read: Hill, Ch. 9) Session 9: The Developmental Origins of Pervasive Shame and Character (read: Hill, Ch. 10 and 11) Learning goals: Students will be able to:
- Integrate a trauma informed approach to psychopathology
- Indicate the connection between primary affect regulation deficits and Chronic dissociation, pervasive shame and character disorders.
- Diagram the impact of early attachment trauma for vulnerability to discrete psychiatric disorders.
Parte 4: Teoría de las intervenciones terapéuticas
En esta sección retomamos las acciones terapéuticas y los objetivos terapéuticos de la terapia de regulación del afecto. Los objetivos fundamentales incluyen la modificación de los sistemas primarios y secundarios de regulación del afecto y la restauración del autodesarrollo. Con estos fines, examinaremos las acciones terapéuticas implícitas y explícitas y nos centraremos en la sintonización vitalizadora y la regulación interactiva como mecanismos clave en la reparación del sistema primario de regulación del afecto.
Sesión 10: Los objetivos de la teoría de la regulación de los afectos (lectura del capítulo 12)
Sesión 11: Acciones terapéuticas implícitas y explícitas (lectura del capítulo 13)
Sesión 12: Regulación interactiva, sintonía vital y surgimiento del yo. (lectura del capítulo 14).
Objetivos de aprendizaje
Los estudiantes serán capaces de:
- Esbozar los objetivos terapéuticos de la terapia de regulación del afecto.
- Investigar las modificaciones propuestas para los sistemas de regulación del afecto primario y secundario.
- Revisar la reparación del sistema primario de regulación del afecto a través de la sintonización vitalizadora y la regulación interactiva.

Este curso necesita ir acompañado del estudio y lectura pautado del libro del Dr. Daniel Hill para optimizar su aprendizaje.
Libro de estudio: “Teoría de la regulación del afecto, un modelo clínico”, por Daniel Hill, PhD., editorial Eleftheria, SL.
Disponible en Corte Inglés, Casa del Libro, Fnac, Amazon y todas las librerias de confianza en España, en México está disponible en: Herder, Colofón, Librerias Gandhi, y Librerias Gonvill.
En E.E.U.U., está disponible en
Artículo de interés publicado en La Razón: “Si quieres saber por qué te val en el amor, tienes que leer esta entrevista”
Peguntas Frecuentes
Click on each question to read the content
How many teaching hours does this course have?
This course includes pre-recorded videos with a total duration of approximately 12 hours. Additionally, it includes slides and complementary articles.
What do I need to take the course?
Requirements to connect to the Institute’s platform.
You will need one of the following browsers:
For computer or laptop:
– Safari
-Microsoft Edge
For mobile devices:
– iOS Safari: 11 or higher
– Chrome
-Samsung Internet
Please note that we do not support Internet Explorer.
I made a mistake with the registration data, can I update my information?
You can contact the event organizer by sending an email to [email protected]
How can I contact the organizer if I have more questions?
You can contact the event organizer by sending an email to [email protected]
What are the payment methods, and how do I get the invoice?
You can pay by credit card or Paypal. An invoice is issued with the data you fill in in the payment process and is sent to you by email to the address indicated in the registration.
Cancellation policy
Write to us in case you need to report a technical issue or need. Your satisfaction is important to us. Email: [email protected]
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- I agree to be the sole viewer of all video and/or audio recordings presented.
- I agree not to copy or transfer copies of videos, audios or any other course material in any form, from my computer to any other device.
- I agree to use the presented videos and/or audios solely for purposes of my training and education as a mental health practitioner.
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